Суббота, 18.05.2024, 07:50

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E-mail: kraina.onovlennja@gmail.com Tel: 8 099 331 78 80

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                                                                                       With support and assistance of Victor Yanukovych







Non-government program of mass renovation and preservation of residential properties in Ukraine by major repairs, complex reconstruction and modernization of buildings, an infrastructure of territories of building of quarters and micro districts of city inhabited files.

(Reduced variant for acquaintance with main principles. The rights are protected).


- considering of the traditions and achievements of world building culture;
- Introduction of modern technologies of reconstruction of engineering networks, installation of basic systems, systems of heating, air-conditioning, power savings and alternative energy sources;
- Introduction of new engineering decisions by manufacture of designs and usage of the newest building systems, technologies and materials;
- Obligatory replacement of tubes, doors and windows in all building;
- replacement of the old electric wiring;
- Installation of elevators;
- repair of the ladders, revetment of walls, repair and replacement of the rail systems, ladder marches and platforms;
- increase of useful areas in apartments at the expense of extensions on perimeter of buildings;
- Accomplishment of court yard and nearby territories, updating of sidewalks, gardening;
- introduction of new technologies of safety and outside illumination;
- considering of interests of people with physical disabilities;
- creation of cultural-improving complexes on groups for 5-10 houses the akva-rest centers (the pools sated with modern operational innovations) and the two-storeyed house-club of multipurpose appointment become which basic elements;
- creation of infrastructure of multilevel surface and underground parkings, laundries;
- formation of funds of social, favorable and starting habitation at the expense of floor areas in the superstructures, new buildings;
The organizational companies which are in concern structure "ARKHITECTON INTERNATIONAL" and work under the direction of a management company (Investor-builder) "ARHITEKTON'NIKA", and general contractors under contracts have possibility to use potential and efforts industrial, building and accompanying resources of the country (region) to execute necessary considerable volumes planned building and repair work.


Modern architectural requirements to cities of Ukraine, geographically central European country, taking into account technogenic accident which approaches because of presence of tens thousand out-of-date buildings of mass industrial building of 50-70th years and, almost a wear-out of engineering networks, oblige the government, industrial and building resources of the country to take urgent measures on reconstruction of out-of-date inhabited and uninhabited buildings with annual escalating of amounts of works.
Considerable means are annually spent for repair of roofs. Millions of square meters of the areas created in space above roofs can become that resource due to what it maybe to carry out the complex reconstruction of out-of-date building.
Creation of floor spaces in superstructures simultaneously will allow to reduce considerably existing pressure round a ground problem for new building in cities of Ukraine. The technical condition of out-of-date buildings doesn't guarantee possibility without risk to create superstructures on bearing walls. Therefore, it is essentially decided that around external perimeter of the old house, in territory of its building, are established basic columns a special design to which over level of a roof of the old house the metal bearing design of the new house is mounted. From supporting columns at the level of every floor in the direction of old house the bearing metallic are assembled beam heads, that does not touch a wall of old house, and on that ceiling of areas of loggias of new house are mounted. The old house is subject to major repairs. Old and new houses from the outside looks like single architectural complex. The technology allows to save considerable financial resources and to avoid many technological problems which necessarily arise in case of a pulling down old house and buildings on its place of the new house, or in case of creation of superstructures on bearing walls of the old house. The systems of life-support of new house are autonomous. It means the new house isn't connected by life-support systems with the old one. The area of new house has the same area as old house and the added area at the expense of territory of building of an old building and is the area which is limited by perimeter of the old house and perimeter of external bearing support of the new house.
Powerful argument in favor of the offered basic approach to preservation and qualitative updating of available housing, thanks to major repairs of buildings and modernization of territories of building is that in the future when the state and business will have money, becomes possible according to plan and gradually, within decades, to dismantle old houses and in perimeter of metal support of an independent skeleton of "new" houses to construct "the newest" houses. Thus, technology is offered without tearing down of old houses and, at the same time, with tearing down in the future; without settling out of habitants and, at the same time, with settling out in the future. Also, by an argument in behalf on major repairs of houses by the offered technologies and modernization of building territories there is that after the considerable rising in price of energy resources, apartments with a megascopic area and cubic capacity will win before modern apartments in the cost of their maintenance, and it has a decision value for pensioners and of scanty means families that inhabit an out-of-date accommodation mainly. Poll of inhabitants of old houses (there are mainly people of advanced age), only confirm attachment of proprietors to the apartments and micro districts where they have lived the bigger part of their life. The majority of them doesn't wish to hear about resettlement in modern apartment which is constructed on traditional technologies and has the bigger area (in one and half time) as it provides the Law.
Use of modern energy-saving and building technologies which provide use of light materials and their fast installation, allows quickly and to carry out cheaply building and repair work without use of wet technologies and the traditional heavy building technique. These technologies need much smaller quantity of employees and don't need their special building qualification. For building the details calibrated in the sizes according to the equipment design are used.
The new house and extensions of the old house will have modern big windows, loggias, terraces, bay windows. All housing estate and building territories will have modern spatial expressiveness. Premises of the new house will be projected and executed according to individual requirements to inhabited, office and adapted premises and can be simultaneously one- two- or three-level. As to apartments in the new house ("superstructures"), apartments as the big area, from 200 to 1000 square meters of a useful area, and apartment by the area from 50 to 100 sq.m. will be projected. Also, in "superstructures" creation of office complexes and creative workshops for artists, sculptors, collectors and other is supposed. At will of customer in superstructures can be executed green zones, winter gardens, greenhouses. That the technology offered by us does not foresee settling out of habitants is fundamentally important.
Creation of a building site of the big area and use of building cranes and the noisy building technique isn't supposed.
The zone of construction works is fenced and insured from the top floors to the bottom floors with special technologies which are provided by the separate project of the organization of safety of construction work at major repairs of houses and modernization of territories of building. The small building site on which of technics, before end of building of "superstructure" there will be only a lift, settles down in territory adjoining to the house end face. On a platform is provided special motor transport arrival which provides building by materials. Usage of heavy constructions in assembling works is not foreseen in a project. Transportation of materials on "the superstructure" areas will be carried out by the adapted mechanisms.
The program provides use of all kinds and methods of reconstruction in their combination and sequence of project's execution of the general layout of micro district, quarter, the street, separate houses, so that to carry out a complex of construction works without settling or with settling under condition of maintenance of absence of conflict and granting of the best apartments and conditions of residing for inhabitants.
According to existing requirements and norms, interests of people with the limited physical disabilities will be considered at designing. The project of major repairs and updating of every separate house will be discussed with habitants and with each family.
Principle of program: habitants are partners, assistants. Legal and insurance supports will be provided in all stages and actions, organizational, industrial and building processes. Management of projects of reconstruction and the provided actions will be carried out by group of enterprises "Obnovleniye" ("Updating”) and structures of concern «ARKHITECTON INTERNATIONAL» which been created specially for Program realization.


- basically it is taken to use a method of secondary building of existing territories of inhabited quarters (microdistricts) which are reconstructed with houses of the first mass series without pulling down of it, but with obligatory complex reconstruction and modernization of houses and all intraquarter objects of municipal and other infrastructure of city building (achievement of the advanced thought of scientists and experts of the CIS countries);
- It is conceptually taken to practical introduction methods «wide-case house» and "flamingo" on metallic basis, as the cores at creation of variants of standard projects of reconstruction and modernization of houses which are modified by usage of the newest materials and technologies of building and introduction of express technologies of designing, performance of industrial and civil and erection works for the purpose of maintenance of mass reconstruction;
- usage of high-speed and line methods on the basis by creation of industrial base – industrial complexes of the building industry of modern building materials, designs and technological base of building;
- Introduction of express technologies of examination, inspection, designing, manufacture and building by ready volume parts of the house - modules, sections, blocks;
- realization of mass complex reconstruction (capital repairs, modernisation) of houses without settling out of habitants due to introduction of perfect technologies of providing and organization of safety of construction-works;
- introduction of complex social, organizational, financial and other accompanying technologies.


- realization of the scale All Ukrainian social innovative-investment project is maybe exceptionally on beginning of state-private partnership;
- assistance in creation of the investment field in the scale of country. (Program acceptance to execution by the corresponding decision of the Cabinet of Ukraine). Assistance to occurrence of cities and settlements in the Program. Development of recommendations and raising of tasks to the regional and executive structures according a role in Program. Providing of inventarisation of housing fund by forces of existent executive resource and within the limits of state assignations etc.;
- claim of necessary normatively-legal base for providing of all sides of process of the mass updating of housing fund in Ukraine;
- direct accompaniment of processes of implementation of the Program tasks by Ministries and state committees.


Project cost makes about 120 billion US dollars. Financial providing of implementation of Program comes true by mixed financing within the limits of the assignations foreseen by state and regional budgets and attracted foreign private investments of the World fund market, bringing in of credits and use of funds from selling apartments, exploitation and lease of the created commercial areas and from other sources.
Reference correlation of funds, which is necessary for implementation of Program, is:
- 5 % - budgetary funds (what are annually allocated from central and local budgets for reconstruction of engineering networks and repair of houses);
- 95 % - investments and other facilities (for major repairs and modernization of building and infrastructure of building territories, new building, etc.).
The program provides:
- Creation of funds of financing building, co-investment, share investment funds;
- emission and appeal of bills of exchange, bonds;
- bringing in of investments from foreign companies and international investment funds;
- participation of the Ukrainian and foreign building companies with own investments;
- creation of the municipal investment programs and funds (other mechanisms of the internal and external financing).
Economic benefit for the country upon realization of major repairs, complex reconstruction and modernization of houses of out-of-date housing and an infrastructure of territories of building at the expense of investment means isn't subject for previous calculation. This Program doesn't put the purpose of reception of superprofits by private structures and concerns the category of projects of social business. First of all, it is necessary to satisfy requirements of citizens of the country for the most necessary - in habitation and qualitative life conditions. Providing of complete complex of financial services, accompaniment and safety of investment facilities will come true by the consortium of the Ukrainian structured banks. The designated insurance companies will provide insurance support of contractual relations between subjects of economic activities, contracts with habitants, construction works, etc. In particular, quality and terms of implementation of works, professional responsibility, risks at implementation of construction-works, risk of loss of property rights and other will be insured. All companies and persons being the Program participants follow the ratified "Regulations about discipline and responsibility» that is called to promote the level of consciousness, attitude toward work, property and financial responsibility. For the purpose of encouragement of participants the Non-governmental Program provides establishment of special Fund from which employees will be awarded for merits and achievements.


The planned total amount of building in the country according to Program stages:
2012 - 3 million sq.m. 
2013 - 12 million sq.m.
2014 - 40 million sq.m.
2015 - 50 million sq.m.
2016 - 60 million sq.m.
2017 - 70 million sq.m.
2018 - 70 million sq. m.
2019 - 70 million sq.m.
In total 375 million sq.m.

The decisions of Government of Ukraine are executed in the field of housing policy and coming from the main fundamental tasks of Program:
- complete satisfaction of turn on a social accommodation in a country;
- increase of standards and norms of accommodation of citizens to European standards;
- providing of necessities of internal and world migration;
Leaning against principles of private-state partnership:
- being based on the system mechanisms of satisfaction of needs of citizens in habitation and improvement of quality of habitation;
- Having the low cost price of habitation and possibility of fast sale of 30 percent of the created habitation at state-set prices;
- Having possibility to carry out sale of 70 percent of habitation on the terms of direct corporate preferential crediting for the term up to 50 years without the first payment;
- Using other market mechanisms of management of the finance and actives of the inhabited and commercial areas;
- Overcoming consequences of financial and economic crisis, strategy and a policy of sale and habitation distribution will be fair, frictionless, and regulated.



A project is a system intelligent powerful attempt to decide a global social problem in Ukraine, to prevent a technogenic crisis that approaches by reason of critical technical condition of dwelling-houses and engineering networks of housing fund in the cities of country. Creation of industrial zones of building industry of modern build materials, and also introduction of organizational, informative and other technologies will provide basis for successful realization at system level of national investment project.
Non-governmental Program suggests to modify the known methods of reconstruction with help of metallic constructions in combination with application of modern materials and building technologies, and also minimizing of amount of technological processes at implementation of construction-works, substantially reducing a requirement in skilled building workers.
Engineering ideas concerning modular technology of installation the case of the house to which corresponding techniques of designing and the organization of manufacture of modules precede, and also use of the newest technologies of reconstruction and creation of engineering networks should provide cheap, fast and qualitative complex reconstruction of microdistricts in cities of the country and simultaneously in territory of all country.
Perfect organizational chart of the measures foreseen by Program in the scale of country, and also providing of insurance and legal accompaniment, bank accompaniment and safety of investment facilities, usage of modern information technologies with the purpose of control after processes real-time, special technologies of psychological preparation of population to the scale construction-works, participation of government, state permissive organizations directly on all stages of Program must become the constituents of general success.
Performance of preparatory and organizational actions of the Program, description of all stages in mass media is very attractive for Ukrainian and foreign investors.
Those facts, where the mechanisms of financing are certain, give a confidence to all participants of Program and habitants subject to the reconstruction of houses.
From the scientific and practical point of view the Program puts feasible tasks for architecturally-design and expert establishments, and for production workers, builders. Separate parts of the Program are not something new; they were used in practice of reconstruction and building in Ukraine, and also abroad. But use of progressive approaches and principles of the organization and building at system level, in a combination to high technologies and modern materials is exclusively real and probably unique way allowing essentially improving a state of affairs in housing and communal services of Ukraine.
The non-governmental Program begins and creates preconditions of development and increase in internal vital space in Ukraine that can become an important component of social and economic development of the country and the main involving factor, being guided by migratory processes in the modern world.

President of Academy of architecture of Ukraine,
Doctor of architecture, professor

Shtolko V.G.

The academician of academies: Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, architecture,
building, The Doctor of Economics, professor

Bondarenko E.V.


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